Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday Night!! Boys and Meat and Potatoes!

Super simple and super delicious! Plain ol' meat and potatoes! The boys and I decided to treat ourselves to some steak on the grill! And, since all these athletes are card-members in the "no carbs" club... I decided to go super simple with mashed sweet potatoes (though I'm not sure sweet potatoes are free from carbs... but we're going with it)! First things first... channeling my inner Fred Flinstone, I seasoned up these skirt steaks (that were on sale today, woohoo!)... with some olive oil and Montreal Steak Seasoning (my fav!). Then, I let them sit for about 30 minutes (or more) to come to room temp while I got my potatoes ready! Then, I peeled and quartered 5 sweet potatoes and cooked in boiling salted water until fork tender, about 30 minutes. Then I drained the water, added 2 tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper, and enough milk to make smooth and creamy! Sweet potatoes are so flipping good, you don't need to mess with them... let them be the super food that they ARE!! SO GOOD... thank you sweet potatoes! Then, I added those steaks to the grill on high heat. For medium rare, I cook about 4 minutes on each side. I liked mine rare, so I pulled it off after 3-ish minutes on each side. Now, the hard part... you have to let that meat rest! In ten minutes you will have juicy, tender, delicious steak... but if you slice it now, it will be dry... WAIT! You can DO IT! Dinner Stevie's way... medium rare grilled strip steak and creamy mashed sweet potatoes! So simple and sooooo amazing! Dinner Joe's way... same delicious grilled medium rare steak (manly portions), and those amazing sweet potatoes! So simple, tasty, and will totally satisfy your carnivore cravings!

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