So, We don't have steak often, but when we do, we have a good cut!! So, tonight's treat is rib-eye steaks with simple baked potato and zucchini!

Now, a delicious steak dinner is actually super simple and fast and easy! I started by washing and baking my potatoes in a 375 degree oven!

No secret, but a great baked potato has a crispy skin, and a creamy, delicious center... so set your oven to 375 degrees. Wash and dry your potatoes, and poke the skin with a knife so the steam can escape... and pop them right on the rack of the oven, and let them go for about 40-45 minutes! When you press them with your finger, they will feel soft.

But tonight's about steak! So, I rubbed my rib eye steaks with olive oil, then seasoned with my favorite... Montreal Steak Seasoning! So easy and so good!

Now, here's where my friend Sherri encouraged my little blog! I will have to cook these steaks in a medium high heat pan on the top of a stove.... which KILLS ME, because my grill is a fatality of our New England winter!! Dang!! Ugh!! So, thank you Sherri... And, I cooked these amazing Flintstone sized steaks on my stove for about 4 minutes, on each side, for medium rare!

We needed a vegetable too, so I chopped up some zucchini and popped it in the oven with the potatoes for about 10 minutes. I just drizzled a little olive oil on them, with some salt and pepper, and it was so easy!!

The only hard part of tonight's dinner is, letting the steak rest after it cooks. This will make your steak juicy, tender and delicious, whether it's rare or medium rare.
Dinner Stevie's way....

super satisfying and so tasty. One "meat and potatoes" delicious simple super great dinner!
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